Tag Archives: grief

on tea & sympathy

the walls are hung
with rich violet hues.
the queen of tulips
fills copper kettles:
green tea, freshly
brewed by an artist,
calms your senses.

the exquisite flowers,
mottled with scarlet
& purple blotches
lift your spirits
into a realm hand-
coloured by Modernism –

a country house
for healing,
some kind of no-man’s-land,
luscious, depending
on which blossoms
the bees have buzzed.

the yellowish air
filling the dark night
brings your fantasies alive –
the emblem of love,
a ghost bowed by sorrows,
enveloping you, helps
the ages co-exist.


Source texts:
The Rings of Saturn by WG Sebald
scent descriptions on assorted boxes of Tulasi incense sticks


This poem originally appeared in the first post of the Found Poetry Collaboration on ArtiPeeps.